Agile Central - Queries: How to find parent and grandparent portfolio items as part of a Milestone
Agile Central - Queries: How to find parent and grandparent portfolio items as part of a Milestone
Article ID: 110085
Updated On: 11-07-2023
Rally On-PremiseRally SaaS
We use the Portfolio Item Timeline app. How can we filter for Features that belong with upper level portfolio items which are part of a certain Milestone?
For example: 1. Portfolio Hierarchy: Theme -> Initiative -> Feature. How can we filter for Features under Initiatives that are part of a milestone based on the milestone's name?
2. Portfolio Hierarchy: Theme -> Epic -> MBI -> Feature How can we filter for Features under Epics that are part of a milestone based on that milestone's FormattedID?
Release: Component: ACSAAS
For Question/Example 1: Use: (Parent.Milestones.Name = "Milestone_2") Notice the .Milestones reference is on the 'Parent' of the object you're targeting. If you're targeting Features then this Parent refers to the Initiative. You can then change the drop-down of your target object in the app to Initiative and then this query will refer to Themes.
For Question/Example 2: Use: (Parent.Parent.Milestones.FormattedID= "MI456") Notice the .Milestones reference is on the 'Parent.Parent' of the object you're targeting. If you're targeting Features then this Parent refers to the Epics.