Updating an application domain to add 10000 tables. The user domain has only one user.
When the job is executed to grant the user access to each table, will there be a commit after each grant or is the commit at the end of the job?
Release: R20
Component: RCSDB2
In the product Profile there is a parameter that can be set to control this:
RSPROF1 20.0 ----------- RC/S Profile Parameters ---------- yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm
GRS CONFIRMATION OPTION ===> N Y/N - Allow user to confirm or cancel the
requested grants/revokes.
SRS DB2 FILTERING OPTION ===> N Y/N - The SRS DB2 filtering option will
or will not be used to retrieve
data from the catalog.
SRS C/R COMMIT INTERVAL ===> 1 - The DB2 commit interval for
use with the Consistency
Report processing
SRS A/E COMMIT INTERVAL ===> 1 - The DB2 commit interval for
use with the Analysis/Exec
CURSOR IN ZCMD INITIALLY ===> N Y/N - The cursor will or will not be
placed in the command line when
first panels is displayed/
The online help for this screen is as follows:
Description: Specify how many SQL statements will be executed
in the Analysis/Exec program before issuing a COMMIT -
XXXXX The commit interval can be any number of
characters up to five places.
NONE (Default) No commit interval established.