Here is the list the as of the last time this page was updated: Last update MY 17, 2020 JOBNAME Displays the name of the active job currently connected to the MUF or, if a system task, one of the following:
***ACTNG Accounting
***CDCL* A Change Data Capture Listener (CDCL) task
***CDCM* A Change Data Capture Monitor (CDCM) task
***DBCOM Tasks that process a console request, such as COMM CLRPXX
***DBKEY Dedicated to 24x7 asynchronous index definition additions and deletions.
***DBOPN MUF immediately after the enable to allow accounting, and other system tables the opportunity to open
***DBRST RESTART function during the enable of the MUF
***DBSYS Rare systems functions
***DBURI When the CA Datacom® Datadictionary™ attribute URI-REUSE is set to Y (yes), after the URI count reaches 3G, an asynchronous scan of the data area is scheduled in the MUF. This scan uses a system task with a jobname of ***DBURI.
***HISTR History database spill
***IOCMP Asynchronous I/O completion system processing
***MPLXY MUFplex system processing - normal
***MPLXZ MUFplex system processing - abnormal
***QUEUE Index queue
***SCRTY Security
***SPILL Log spilling
***STAR CA Datacom® STAR system
***STARX CA Datacom® STAR user requests
****TA24 Table alter for continuous 24x7 operations