I am trying to setup ISKLM (IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager for z/OS) to produce SMF auditing records produced by the R_auditx callable service. I cannot find the SMF records - where are they?
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I am trying to setup ISKLM (IBM Security Key Lifecycle Manager for z/OS) to produce SMF auditing records produced by the R_auditx callable service. I cannot find the SMF records - where are they?


Article ID: 11005


Updated On:


ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC PanApt PanAudit


The r_auditx callable service is processed by ACF2 and creates an
SMF record different from the one created on a RACF system.

Where can I find these SMF records?



Release: ACF2..001AO-16-ACF2


On a RACF system the SMF audit records produced are type 83 subtype 6 records.
In ACF2 the records are created as type 230 subtype O.

The SMF records produced by ACF2 for ISKLM's use of r_auditx
and any other product that issues r_auditx requests will be
type 230 subtype O records and will be reported with the ACFRPTOM report program.


Additional Information

Details of this report can be found in the ACF2 for z/OS Reports and Utilities Guide under the ACFRPTOM report chapter.