XCOM certificate implementation on XCOM for AS/400 i5/OS
Article ID: 110035
Updated On:
XCOM Data Transport
How to implement OpenSSL certificates on XCOM™ Data Transport® for AS/400 i5/OS.
XCOM™ Data Transport® for AS/400 i5/OS r11.0
Do not edit the ssl configuration files- cassl.conf, clientssl.conf or serverssl.conf.
In the CL command line, enter CALL QP2TERM. You are now in the PASE shell.
Change directory to /QOpenSys/CAProduct/ConfigFile/CAXCOM/ssl. You are now in the location to run the utility for creating certificates.
Run makeca followed by makeclient and makeserver.
This will create a CERTS and PRIVATE subdirectory under the SSL directory.
The scripts produce the following files:
makeca: random.pem, certs/cassl.pem and private/casslkey.pem
makeclient: certs/clientcert.pem and private/clientkey.pem
makeserver: certs/servercert.pem and private/serverkey.pem
6. To list the certificate just created, issue the following commands to use scripts: ./listca or ./listclient or ./listserver
Note: Please know that the certificates generated via the supplied scripts are intended for testing the product with OpenSSL. You need to contact your Security Administrator for details on how your site implements SSL.