Scheduler did not show JOBNO in the Scheduler History Report with DETAIL=NO if the job was canceled in the Job Status panel.
Release: 11.0
Component: Scheduler Job Management MVS
DETAIL=NO displays only a summary line for each execution of the jobs.
This means that when a job comes into the active work load, it will display the outcome of that job in one summary line.
For example:
2018/07/16 08:00:31 Job added to active workload with reason code 84
2018/07/16 10:31:52 CANCEL JOB issued by <user id>
2018/07/16 10:33:04 RESTAGE JOB command issued by <user id>
2018/07/16 10:33:37 RERUN or SUBMIT JOB command issued by <user id>
2018/07/16 10:33:37 Job submitted J0018757
2018/07/16 10:33:37 Job J0018757 started on SYSA at SYSA
2018/07/16 10:33:56 Job completed successfully with RC=00000
MYJOB 01 40 MYSCHED 84 07/16 08:00 07/16 10:33 07/16 10:33 0018757 00000
Because the job was ADDED, CANCEL, RESTAGE, RERUN you will only see one summary line as it is still the same copy that was added to the workload for that job.
If you ADDED, CANCEL and do a RUN which ADDs another copy, then you will see 2 summary lines.
One for the original ADD status and the outcome of the second RUN.
Only the DETAIL=YES will show every action and results of the job.