Rally - Queries: How to filter by an upper portfolio hierarchy items
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Rally - Queries: How to filter by an upper portfolio hierarchy items


Article ID: 109943


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


We use the Custom Board app. How can we filter for stories that belong with upper level portfolio items?

For example:
1. Portfolio Hierarchy:
Theme -> Initiative -> Feature.
How can we filter for stories belonging under Initiative with FormattedID = I1 ?

2. Portfolio Hierarchy:
Theme -> Epic -> MBI -> Feature
How can we filter for stories belonging under Epic with FormattedID = E373 ?


Component: ACSAAS


For Question/Example 1:
Use: (Feature.Parent.FormattedID = "I1")
Notice that you use 'Feature' to refer to the Feature that's the story's parent. Then you continue with '.Parent' going up the portfolio chain as many times as you need to reach your object.

For Question/Example 2:
Use: (Feature.Parent.Parent.FormattedID = "E373")
Notice that you use 'Feature' to refer to the Feature that's the story's parent. Then you continue with '.Parent' going up the portfolio chain as many times as you need to reach your object.

Additional Information

More on Custom Board: 
