Is there an easy way to convert the data in columns such as starttime, endtime, last_start, last_end or event_time_gmt in the AutoSys database tables within an sql query. They are stored in UNIX epoch time.
Is there an easy way to convert the data in columns such as starttime, endtime, last_start, last_end or event_time_gmt in the AutoSys database tables within an sql query. They are stored in UNIX epoch time.
Oracle Example:
select job_name, To_Char( To_Date( '01.01.1970 06:00:00','DD.MM.YYYY HH24:Mi:Ss') + last_end / 86400,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:Mi:ss') as LAST_END FROM ujo_jobst order by job_name;
Sybase/SQL server Example:
select job_name, convert(char(30),(dateadd(ss,last_end - 21600,'1970-01-01 00:00:00')),109) as LAST_END from ujo_jobst order by job_name
In the above examples the 06:00:00 and 21600 represent the offset from GMT. Adjust accordingly.