SM Test Tool to test Policy Servers load balancing - failover
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SM Test Tool to test Policy Servers load balancing - failover


Article ID: 10990


Updated On: 11-22-2023


CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On


Is it possible to use the SiteMinder Test Tool to validate load balancing and failover functionalities of multi Policy Server infrastructure?

Does it read the HCO?

Does it support load balancing and failover between multiple cluster groups as defined in HCO?


When using an 5.x agent, the SiteMinder Test tool reads the SmHost.conf and so, it downloads the HCO too.

Therefore, testing of the Policy Server load balancing and failover features is possible.

This is not an usual way of testing this, but there is no reason why it should not work.

Note: when using a 4.x agent, it does bypass the HCO and as such, it doesn't allow the failover or load balancing feature.