"No such attribute" error running the Spectrum NewMM.pl script
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"No such attribute" error running the Spectrum NewMM.pl script


Article ID: 109895


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


"No such attribute" error running the Spectrum NewMM.pl script

   ["Pingable",            "0x10290",       0,0,        "$sysObjectID", "", "", "1:1", "0x2100b2"],


   Converting select models to new model type: Pingable.  Please wait...
---=== ERROR ===---
Error Code = 33554435
Error occurred reading attributes from server
No such attribute
Attribute 0x10024 is invalid
One or more invalid attributes have been found

An error occurred while validating some of the attributes.
Conversion has been terminated

Enterprise DBconv v6.15
(c) Copyright 2002 CA, Inc.
* Single Landscape Mode
* Landscape : 0x400000 (hostname @ hostname)
* Source Model Type : 0x2100b2 (SwCiscoIOS)
* Destination Model Type : 0x10290 (Pingable)
* Validating Transfer Attributes

* Conversion Complete !

Removing Temporary Files

  -disconnect: successful from hostname - connected for 0 hours, 0 minutes

New Management Module Conversion script has successfully completed.
To view log report, read NewMM_log_Aug_07_18_03_34_10_PM

I get this error when I excute NewMM.pl by Converting to Pingable ["Pingable", "0x10290", 0,0, "$sysObjectID", "", "", "1:1", "0x2100b2"],
Error: Converting select models to new model type: Pingable.  Please wait...
---=== ERROR ===--- Error Code = 33554435
Error occurred reading attributes from server
No such attribute
Attribute 0x10024 is invalid
One or more invalid attributes have been found
An error occurred while validating some of the attributes.
Conversion has been terminated
Enterprise DBconv v6.15 (c) Copyright 2002 CA, Inc.
* Single Landscape Mode
* Landscape : 0x400000 (hostname @ hostname)
* Source Model Type : 0x2100b2 (SwCiscoIOS)
* Destination Model Type : 0x10290 (Pingable)
* Validating Transfer Attributes
* Conversion Complete ! Removing Temporary Files -disconnect: successful from hostname - connected for 0 hours, 0 minutes New Management Module Conversion script has successfully completed. To view log report, read NewMM_log_Aug_07_18_03_34_10_PM file.


Release: Any
Component: SPCCSS - SpectroSERVER Core


The DBconv utility cannot convert an SNMP capable Model Type to a Pingable Model Type.

It does not handle the mismatch of common attributes.

As seen in the error, the converter was failing on the common attribute for SNMP Community String, which exists on all SNMP capable Models Types, but does not exist on the Pingable Model Type.

The utility is meant to convert one SNMP capable Model Type to a new/different SNMP capable Model Type.


Delete the SNMP model and rediscover as a Pingable model.