How to clean SD tables from lost rows or data inconsistency ?
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How to clean SD tables from lost rows or data inconsistency ?


Article ID: 109875


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CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Software Delivery


On DOMAIN when a SD process crash or is killed during SD job operations, some rows in SD tables could be lost (with missing links) or inconsistent. 
This could generate some SD problems and/or performance problems.
Example of possible errors :
- When trying to delete a package following error appears :
SDM000126 - Software cannot be removed/archived because of an ongoing job and/or is included in a template group.

But package is not in ongoing SD job or in Software Policies.

- Some SD Jobs remain in GUI with executing status but SD Job Container has been deleted.
- Build of SD Job Container failed.
How to clean the SD tables from incorrect rows ?


Client Automation - all versions.


  1. - Copy the attached files check_sd_tables_REPAIR.sql, check_sd_tables_VIEW.sql and check_sd_tables.bat under DSM\bin directory (ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Bin) on Domain Manager

  2. - Open a command prompt with administrator privileges and execute in REPAIR mode:
    cd /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Bin"
    check_sd_tables.bat REPAIR

  3. Check the log C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\log\check_sd_tables.log if it has been executed successfully.


Remarks :

  • The script uses logged user to connect on SQL Server.
    If logged user has not enough right on SQL Server, do this :

    Edit file check_sd_tables.bat and put valid SQL credentials in these lines:

    Example :
    SET SQLUSER=ca_itrm
    SET SQLPWD=NOT_changedR11

  • To execute the script in VIEW mode (no update/delete in database) to check if there are some corrupted data, execute the script without REPAIR parameter :

    cd /D "C:\Program Files (x86)\CA\DSM\Bin"

Additional Information

Latest version 2.0 (10 October 2024)

Version History:
- Version 2.0 : Add cleanup in usd_applic table for SW Delivery and SW Removal jobs for computers which have no more the scalability server role.

Attachments get_app