Need to extract the list of all active jobs and noex Jobs
Need to extract the list of all active jobs and noex Jobs
Article ID: 109855
Updated On: 08-06-2018
CA 7 Workload Automation
We need to filter out a list of jobs in the CA 7 database that are in NOEX status, as well as Jobs that are listed as Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Quarterly. Is there a way in CA 7 to accomplish this?
Release: Component: 7
You can issue the following command to get a list of all job that has EXEC=N in the CA 7 database. Best practice is to issue this command in a Batch Terminal Interface (BTI) Utility. Another approach is to issue the; LJOB,LRUNDATE=yyddd. For example, LJOB,LRUNDATE=(01001,17001), which will list jobs whose last run date is between Jan 1, 2001 and Jan 1,2017