where: YourHost is your Host name nnn is your port number Admin is your TSS administrator XXXX is the administrator password add_profile.ldif is the ldif file containing the profile definition to be created.
Here is an example of the add_profile.ldif:
*** Top of file **** dn:tssproflist=profldap,tssacidgrp=proflist,tssacid=myacid,tssadmingrp=acids,host=YourHost,o=ca,c=us changetype: add objectClass: tssproflist Profile-Before: prof001 Profile-Until-Date: 10/12/20 Target-Nodes-for-Cmds: = **** End of file ****
To permit a resource to a PROFILE, the ldapmodify command is the same as above, but the ldif file name 'per_resource.ldif' will be different. For example:
**** Top of file **** dn: tssresname=ZZZZ,tssresclass=IBMGROUP,tssacidgrp=Permissions, tssprofile=PROFLDAP,tssadmingrp=profiles,host=YourHost,o=ca,c=us changetype: add objectClass: tssresname tssresclass: IBMGROUP tssresname: ZZZZ **** End of file ****
To create an acid, the ldapmodify command is the same as above, but the ldif file name 'create_acid.ldif' will be different. For example:
**** Top of file **** version: 1 dn:tssacid=000002,tssadmingrp=acids,host=usi252me,o=ca,c=us changetype: add objectClass: tssacid Name:DEFAULT USER 2 tssacid:000002 User-Type:USER Department:D112 userPassword:000002 userPassword-Expire: Y My-Phone-Number-is: My-Street-is:£4, Place des Pyramides **** End of file ****