How to Apply Dollar Universe Licenses
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How to Apply Dollar Universe Licenses


Article ID: 109819


Updated On:


CA Automic Dollar Universe


Dollar Universe requires a valid license to work otherwise the Calculator and Launcher engines will stop.

Dollar Universe Nodes (Application Server) are initially installed with a 30-day license and should be replaced by a permanent DUAS license.

Dollar Universe licenses are unique and they are linked to the DUAS node and hostnames and cannot be used somewhere else.


Product: CA Automic Dollar Universe

Version: 5.x and 6.x (up to 6.10)


Missing product license


In case licenses need to be updated / applied as the products are in version inferior to 6.10.x, one of the following two options should be applied:

Manual option editing license file

  1. Univiewer Licenses that are mapped to the UVMS node (DUAS/Reporter / Webuvc licenses) can be manually added to the file <uvms_folder>/data/licenses.txt and a restart of the UVMS must be done to take them into account.
  2. Dollar Universe Application Server 5.x (Nodes) licenses can be manually added to the file <dollar_universe_node_folder>/mgr/u_fali01.txt and a restart of the engines (Calculator/Launcher) must be done to take them into account.
  3. Dollar Universe Application Server 6.x (Nodes) licenses can be manually added to the file <dollar_universe_node_folder>/data/u_fali01.txt and a restart of the engines (Calculator/Launcher) must be done to take them into account.ยก

Graphical mode using Univiewer Console


  1. From the Univiewer console, go to the Administration tab - Nodes, it will show the list of nodes registered in that particular UVMS
  2. Select the Node that needs a new license then Right-click  and select Node Settings  and go to the Section Licenses. The list of licenses already entered into the node will be shown:
  3. Click on Add button to add a new permanent license and copy/paste the entire line received from the Licensing team at the bottom of the actual licenses list.

4. Enter as many licenses as required and  then Save and Close.

5. In some nodes like UVMS (up to version 6.9) a license for Univiewer, Dollar Universe, Unijob, Reporter,DUX is also needed..) and can be added the same way:

Once all licenses are entered, click on Save and Close button.  It's not mandatory to remove the expired licenses nor to keep the records in the screen but it would be helpful for licensing control or history tracking.

When the Licenses screen is closed, a couple of screen refresh actions might be required in order to update the right status for the Node license in the column Information.


Additional Information


Note that if you upgrade your UVMS to version 6.10.01 or superior, no license will be required to operate Univiewer, Dollar Universe and its components if they are also in version 6.10.01 or superior.
Earlier versions of these components can use the infinite licenses contained in the file goldkeys.txt located in the app/files directory of UVMS version 6.10.01 and superior.