A customer was experiencing intermittent slow performance issues in USM and CABI displays due to too much data from large tables and data management not completing (data management was accidentally disabled for a long time).
- UIM 8.5.1 - Microsoft SQL Server
-- WARNING!!! -- Consult with your DBA before using this script and do test it first in a UIM Test/DEV/Staging environment.
-- data deletion script with use of date and top argument -- Note that the TOP (<value>) may be increased until all of the unwanted data has been purged from the raw data (RN) tables. -- Note that the delete statement uses the sampletime value which can be modified to allow deletion of more (or less) data. -- Ensure that the data_management_timeout setting in the data_engine is set to 65536 not 7200 before you run this query -- Ask your DBA to make sure there is no memory pressure on the backend database server and if there is, add-dedicate more memory to the DB server -- This query references S_QOS_DATA and deletes any raw data from RN tables where the table_id is NOT in the S_QOS_DATA table
-- SET INITIAL INCREMENT -- IT WILL DOUBLE EACH RUN UNTIL THE DATA IS DELETED SET @increment = 1000; SET @loop_increment = @increment; OPEN qos_def_cursor FETCH NEXT FROM qos_def_cursor INTO @qos_def_id WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN SET @r_table = 'RN_QOS_DATA_' + RIGHT('0000' + @qos_def_id, 4); SET @h_table = 'HN_QOS_DATA_' + RIGHT('0000' + @qos_def_id, 4); SET @sql = 'DELETE TOP (3000) FROM ' + @r_table + ' WHERE sampletime < ''2017-06-23 00:00:00.000'''; SET @sql = 'SELECT @cnt=COUNT(*) FROM ' + @r_table + ' WHERE table_id NOT IN (SELECT table_id FROM S_QOS_DATA WHERE r_table = ''' + @r_table + ''')'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@r_table varchar(64),@cnt int OUTPUT', @r_table=@r_table, @cnt=@rows OUTPUT PRINT CAST(@rows as VARCHAR);
loop: IF @increment < @rows -- Start LOOP BEGIN PRINT CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + 'Deleting top ' + CAST(@increment AS VARCHAR) + ' from ' + @r_table + ' Total: ' + CAST(@rows AS VARCHAR); SET @sql = 'DELETE TOP (' + CAST(@loop_increment AS VARCHAR) + ') FROM ' + @r_table + ' WHERE table_id NOT IN (SELECT table_id FROM S_QOS_DATA where r_table = ''' + @r_table + ''')'; EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql, N'@r_table varchar(64), @loop_increment int', @r_table = @r_table, @loop_increment = @loop_increment; SET @rows = @rows - @loop_increment; SET @loop_increment = @loop_increment * 2; GOTO loop; END ELSE BEGIN PRINT CHAR(13) + CHAR(13) + 'Deleting top ' + CAST(@increment AS VARCHAR) + ' from ' + @r_table; END SET @loop_increment = @increment; FETCH NEXT FROM qos_def_cursor INTO @qos_def_id; END CLOSE qos_def_cursor; DEALLOCATE qos_def_cursor;
Additional Information
Note: Databases do not release disk space once data has filled the space. You can delete the data, but the space is still used as reserved by the database. Consult your DBA on how to recover disk space once used.
This script was written for UIM 8.51 which is now End of Support. This script has not been tested with UIM 20.3x or 20.4x.
Broadcom assumes no liability for any issues arising from using this script. Your DBA should evaluate the script before using it.