When an SLAs date scheduling parameters no longer allow iDash to determine a normal date to track the SLA, the future date is set to 01/2038. Therefore, this date can be used to find SLAs that are in this condition.
Method 1: Search the %IDASH_HOME%/info.logIn the info.log, the following line is posted for an SLA when this occurs...
18-08-01 23.26.45 [ INFO] idash-SLA-processing: Future SLA:**SLA Name Goes Here***^***Instance Name***-20380119-XXXXThe message above can be searched in the logs on a regular basis to identify SLAs that have the next monitoring date set in 01/2038.
NOTE: The actual day in GMT is 01/19/2038. However, depending on your iDash server's timezone, the actual day may vary. Therefore, it is best just to look for 01/2038 which is sufficient to identify this scenario.
Method 2: Use the iDash GUI DashboardIn the Dashboard, click on the upper-right to adjust the time filter. Set the future hours to a very large number that would push past 01/19/2038...such as 200,000...
<Please see attached file for image>
Click "Save" and the Dashboard will now include all future SLAs.
Click the "Future" label from the donut, then sort the list by Deadline. Look for any SLA with a deadline of 2038.
Method 3: Use idgen* CLI with an Advanced Search objectCreate an Advanced Search object that searches for any SLA with a status of FUTURE and a time interval set to 01/01/2038 to 01/20/2038. For information about creating an Advanced Search object, click
Once the search object is created, it can be used with the idgen* CLI utilities to generate a report. The report will contain SLAs that fit the search criteria. For example, to generate the report in PDF format, the CLI syntax would be...
idgenpdf -f <report_output_file> -t sla.report -s <search_object_name>
For more information about generating reports with the CLI, click