Agile Central - HPQC: Error Missing Required Field
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Agile Central - HPQC: Error Missing Required Field


Article ID: 109708


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Rally On-Premise Rally SaaS


When copying a work item from HP ALM into Agile Central duplicate work items are created in Agile Central.
Additionally, a QC error is shown in the log and the external ID field in HP ALM is not updated.

[2018-08-01 16:59:46 Z]  INFO : RallyEIF::WRK::RallyConnection.create_internal -   Created DE23456
[2018-08-01 16:59:46 Z] DEBUG : RallyEIF::WRK::QCConnection.update_external_id_fields - set QC Defect id: 12345  external id field BG_USER_01 --> |<User_OID>|
[2018-08-01 16:59:46 Z] DEBUG : RallyEIF::WRK::QCConnection.update_external_id_fields - set QC Defect id: 12345  external end user id field BG_USER_02 --> |DE23456|
[2018-08-01 16:59:46 Z] ERROR : RallyEIF::WRK::QCConnection.rescue in update_external_id_fields - Could not update external id (or external end user id) field
[2018-08-01 16:59:46 Z] ERROR : RallyEIF::WRK::QCConnection.initialize - Error updating defect-12345. QCAPI - HTTP-400 on request -
Response was: {"Id":"qccore.required-field-missing","Title":"Missing required field: detected-in-rcyc for entity defect","ExceptionProperties":[{"Name":"field-name","StringValue":"detected-in-rcyc"},{"Name":"entity-name","StringValue":"defect"}],"StackTrace":null}.
[2018-08-01 16:59:47 Z]  WARN : RallyEIF::WRK::Connector.initialize - Copy of ALM defect 12345 to Rally skipped due to inability to update the ALM external_id field (BG_USER_01)
[2018-08-01 16:59:47 Z]  WARN : RallyEIF::WRK::ConnectorRunner.exception - Message Copy of ALM defect 12345 to Rally skipped due to inability to update the ALM external_id field (BG_USER_01)


Component: ACSAAS


This issue can be caused by suddenly requiring a field to be populated that was not previously required and not retroactively populating the values for that field.


There are two resolutions

  • Revert the field requirement

  • Populate the field for each work item that needs to be copied to ALM


Additional Information

keywords: agile central, rally, hp alm, qc, quality center, connector