CA Infrastructure ManagementCA Performance Management - Usage and Administration
After upgrading a number of 3.5 (and earlier) CA PM boxes to CA PM 3.6 there is a Vertica library issue in the upgrade process. The following error message appears in the vertica.log file:
2018-07-18 23:17:54.842 CatchUp:7ff653fff700-a00000003a92a5 [Recover] <WARNING> Cannot load library file [/opt/application/CA/data/catalog/drdata/v_drdata_node0001_catalog/Libraries/029fce8e99e6e9befaf82df7cc90e 18600a0000000000400/], It was built with incompatible SDK Version: 8.1.0, expected version: 9.0.1 … 2018-07-18 23:17:55.669 CatchUp:7ff653fff700-a00000003a92a5 [Recover] <WARNING> Error during setting up function, message: The library was built with an incompatible SDK
CAPM 3.x
Unused library for hadoop
Simply drop the library by doing the following:
1. Launch adminTools 2. Connect to the database 3. Run the following query: drop library HdfsSource cascade;
Additional Information
This warning does not seem to impact functionality but dropping the library will prevent it from being loaded