We are trying to implement the XIT7MAIL to send an email when a package is cast. The ESMTPTBL has been updated.When casting a package, we get the error: +BC1PNTFY: DYN ALLOC ERROR RC(0004), REASON(046C) INFO(0000) in the SYSOUT listing, with no other error messages. An email is not sent. Why are we getting this message ?
The site has assembled the XIT7MAIL and updated the C1UEXITS. The ESMTPTBL was updated with site information.
This error is issued when the SMTP HOST NAME is invalid. Confirm this is the NJE hostname (8 char). Other errors can result in malformed or unsent emails. Check the SMTP server for messages. Add the notify trace dd's to see messages that are created but possibly not sent nor received: //BSTERR DD SYSOUT=* //EN$TRNTF DD DUMMY EMAIL NOTIFICATION BSTERR //MLIFSNAP DD DUMMY EMAIL NOTIFICATION BSTERR If the SMTP server is not using SYSOUT class 'B', modify the source prfx.iqual.CSIQOPTN($ESMTP)