Oracle Probe GUI Not opening
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Oracle Probe GUI Not opening


Article ID: 109650


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Getting Application error while trying to open the probe GUI in Infrastructure Manager

<Please see attached file for image>

User-added image

<Please see attached file for image>

User-added image



UIM: 8.5.1
oracle probe: 5.30


Do the following on the machine we are opening IM

1. Open the temp folder using %temp% in windows Run prompt.

2. Delete all the files present in temp folder.

a. Right-click on My Computer and select Properties.
b. Click Advanced System Settings to open the System Properties dialog.
c. Click Environment Variables, and then click New to add a new variable.
d. Specify the following details for the New User Variable:
               ◾Variable name: NIM_PROBE_CRYPTO_MODE
               ◾Variable value: AES_128_COMPAT
e. Click OK and exit from System Properties.

4. Restart the Nimsoft Robot Watcher service after you set the environment variable.

In case if you still see an issue after following above steps, please feel free to contact CA Technical support.

Additional Information


In case if the probe opening in Raw configure mode (if the probe support configuration mode in IM), make sure you have probe downloaded in local archive.


1558698207001000109650_sktwi1f5rjvs16j8i.jpeg get_app
1558698205144000109650_sktwi1f5rjvs16j8h.jpeg get_app