There are two possible root causes:
By design, the field CMN_SEC_USERS.last_logged_in_date is populated no matter the status of the user: active, inactive or locked.
This is because a process instance was initiated and ran under the user id.
SaaS Portal Customers
DE36540 - Last Logged In Date updated even though user is inactive or locked in Clarity for On Demand Portal Users
1. On an SSO system behind the portal create a user in the portal and in one of the CA PPM environment who is set up the following way:
- User has been added to the portal and is active.
- User has been added to CA PPM, but they are active.
- User has not been added to any environments
- User must also be configured in the SSO server so that they can access the portal/CA PPM
2. Go to the SSO landing page and attempt to log in as the user
NOTE: The user is not allowed into CA PPM as expected.
Expected Results: The user's last logged in date is not updated
Actual Results: The user's last logged in date is updated even though the user inactive or locked.
BEST PRACTICE: Users status in the portal and status in PPM should match to prevent several different problems. User activation and inactivation should be done via the portal and not PPM.