2E - Generated field, format or function name is blank
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2E - Generated field, format or function name is blank


Article ID: 109635


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When a model has exceeded the limit for DDS names of fields of a particular type, a blank field name will be generated instead of valid characters.

The limit is ‘AA’ to ‘Z9’ (i.e. 936, DDS names for each field type eg CDE, TXT, etc.)

If a field's DDS name is blank, the objects that use it will not successfully generate or compile. Similar problems will result when a model runs out of format names or function names. 


2E 8.7

All Supported IBM iSeries versions


1.  Running Out of Field Names - The limit has been reached for the field type suffix (i.e. ‘TX’ or ‘CD’)

To resolve the situation, another suffix needs to be defined for that field type.
#1.  Decide upon a suffix for the field type (i.e. TXT = ‘T1’)
#2.  In the appropriate model, create the name of the field just allocated to include the new suffix.
#3.  In the appropriate model, ‘ZOOM’ into the ‘*Field Attributes’ file as Designer.
#4.  ZOOM’ into the appropriate field type line.
#5.  Update the field type mnemonic code.
Multiple Models:  If this situation has been reached within a multiple model environment then steps #3-#5 should be applied to all models.
|  EDIT DATABASE RELATIONS                                     Test Core Model                                                        |
|  ?   Type Object                                   Relation                               Seq Typ Referenced object                     |
|  Z   FIL *Field attribute types               Has                                              FLD *External field                          |
|       FIL *Field attribute types               Has                                              FLD *External length                       | 
|       FIL *Field attribute types               Has                                              FLD *External integers                    |
|  DISPLAY OBJECT ATTRIBUTES                                         Test Core Model                                                |
|       Object type .  .  .  : FLD                                                                                                                              |
|       Attr    Description                                                                                                                                        |
|  Z   CDE  Alphanumeric code value                                                                                                                 |
|        DTE  Date in system date format – (YYMMDD internally)                                                                        |
|        IGC   Ideographic text                                                                                                                               |
|        NAR  Narrative text                                                                                                                                   |
|  EDIT FIELD ATTRIBUTE DEFAULTS.                               Test Core Model                                                  |
|       Attribute .  .  .  .  :  CDE Alphanumeric code value                                                                                    |
|       Internal length.  .  .  .  .  :           6                        Data type.  .  .  .  .  :  A                                                   | 
|                                                                                                                                                                          |
|        Mnemonic code.  .  .  .  .  .  :  CD  (Change to C1)                                                                                 |
|        Allow lower case .  .  .  .  .  :                                                                                                                      |
|        Mandatory fill  .  .  .  .  .  .   :                                                                                                                      |

2.  Running Out of Format Names - The limit has been reached for the generation type prefix

To resolve the situation another prefix needs to be defined for physical and logical files.
#1.  Decide upon a new prefix for format names.
#2.  In the appropriate model, enter a name for the format just allocated and include the new prefix.
#3.  Set the entry for the FMT record in the YALCVNMRFP file in the model library, from ‘?’ to ‘AA’ using the YWRKF command.
#4.  In the appropriate model, go to the Edit Generation Type panel (this can be done by entering a 10 for Display System Parameters from the Display Services Menu. Go to Display Name Allocation Values and press F10.).  Change the Physical file format allocation character and the Logical file format allocation character to the new value chosen.
Multiple Models:  If this situation has been reached within a multiple model environment, then step #3 should be applied to the AUTONAME library file and step #4 should be applied to all models.
|                                                   Work with File  -  Multi record display                                                             |
|  File.  .  .  .  :     COREMDL/YALCVNMRFP                                                                             Confirm:  N      |
|                                                                                                                                                                           |
|      Object Letter  Letter                                                                                                                                     |
|      type      1         2                                                                                                                                           |
|      SYS     C         O                                                                                                                                          |
|      FIL       A        R                                                                                                                                            |
|      CDE     I          A                                                                                                                                           |
|      TXT     A         8                                                                                                                                            |
|      FMT     ?                     (Change to AA)                                                                                                         |
3.  Running Out of Function Names

Defining a new prefix in the model value YOBJPFX will allow the naming programs to define new unique function names for the model.
#1.  Decide upon a new 2-character object prefix for your model.
#2.  Change the name for the function just allocated to a name that includes the new prefix.
#3.  Set the entry for the MSG record in the YALCVNM00L file in the model library, from ‘?’ to ‘AA’ using the YWRKF command.
#4.  In the appropriate model change the model value YOBJPFX to the value you have chosen.
Multiple Models:  If this situation has been reached within a multiple model environment, then step #3 should be applied to the AUTONAME library file and step #4 should be applied to all models.

Additional Information

Note: This workaround was developed to be compatible with the current release of 2E 8.7 within a specific environment. However slight, there exists a possibility that this workaround might not be appropriate to your situation or that it has been superseded. Do not attempt this procedure without confirmation from Broadcom Technical Support 
We strongly recommend that you BACKUP your model before attempting this or any workaround. We cannot accept responsibility for improperly executed or outdated procedures.