Service Catalog - Notification emails are in English, even though the language has been set differently
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Service Catalog - Notification emails are in English, even though the language has been set differently


Article ID: 10961


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CA Service Catalog CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


We have set the "Default Request Email Language" setting in "Administration", "Configuration", "Mail Server" to Italian (or any other language), but the email which is sent when a request is assigned to a user has large sections which are still in English:

“One or more items in the request…"

How can we change this?


Service Catalog 14.1 and above


When a notification email is sent, it is generated by an event action. The out of the box action which sends this email has this text hard-coded in English. To send an email in a different language, follow these steps:

1.- Go into Administration, Events-Rules-Actions.
2.- Locate the appropriate action which sends the email.
3.- Make a copy of this action.
4.- Disable the out of the box action and make sure that the copy of the action is enabled.
5.- Edit the copy of the action and change the text to the appropriate language.

Now, when the action is executed, the email which is sent will be in the appropriate language.