How to display time fields in Detector when they are loaded to Detector historical tables
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How to display time fields in Detector when they are loaded to Detector historical tables


Article ID: 10960


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS


Time fields in Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) panels, for example INDB2_TIME and INDB2_CPU, are displayed with format
MM:SS.ssssss or HH:MM:SS.sss or DD-HH:MM.SS. When these fields are loaded to Detector tables they are converted to DECIMAL(15,6) column.
How the DECIMAL(15,6) column can be converted to display data in same format as in Detector panels?


First part of the DECIMAL (9 digits) are seconds and second part (6 digits) are microseconds. 

For example you have a value 416.216310 for INDB2_TIME column in the Detector tables. 

416.216310 Seconds --> 06:56.216310 displayed in Detector panel (MM:SS.ssssss format)
416 / 60 = 6.9333 --> 6 Minutes
416 - 360 = 56 --> 56 Seconds