We're seeing the event and alarm 0x10d57 in Spectrum:
An invalid Wide Area Segment association has been created for device <IP_ADDRESS>. The problem is Too-Many-Connections-To-WA_Segment-(>2).
Symptoms: SpectroSERVER may exhibit unpredictable behavior and instability.
Release: Any
Component: SPCAEM
The modelling scenario contains a Wide Area Link with a Wide Area Segment that is connecting more than 2 devices. Even though Spectrum allows such an association, this is not the intention of the design of the Wide Area Segment.
Spectrum uses WA_Link models to represent a one to one (single port to single port) connection. When you see this event/alarm, it is because the WA_Link is connected to more than 2 devices. When the WA_Link is connected to more than 2 devices, this confuses Spectrum's internal Fault Isolation logic, and will cause undesirable alarming issues (for instance, you may not receive a proper alarm when the link goes down).
Spectrum has two other models that are meant for a "One -> many" connection, these being:
If you are unable to destroy the WA_Link, you can set the WA_Link fault isolation mode to Transparent which will remove the WA_Link from the fault isolation configuration. You will still receive alarms on the connected interfaces, but not on the WA_Link itself. You can do this under;
Spectrum OneClick -> VNM model -> Component Detail -> Fault isolation
Change the WA Link Fault Isolation Mode from Normal to Transparent.
A SpectroSERVER restart might be needed to free up the threads if it is already consumed with fault isolation WA_Links.