How to configure a File Scan Collect Task to collect only a specific type of files
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How to configure a File Scan Collect Task to collect only a specific type of files


Article ID: 10948


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CA Client Automation CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation - Asset Management


"File Scan" collect task could be used to collect all files and folders on the machines. But the collected data could be huge and increase a lot the size of mdb database.
So filters should be used to avoid the inventory of too much files and folders.
How to configure the File Scan Collect Task to collect only a specific type of files and not the entire files and folders structure ?


Client Automation - Any versions


1- In DSM Explorer, go under Control Panel - Configuration - Collect Tasks.
Right click on File Scan and select New...

2- In General tab, put a name for the collect task (ex: Collect .pst files)

3- In Windows Settings, click on "All files (*.*)" line and click on Remove Button in order to remove this line :

4- Enter *.pst (or choosen type of file) in text field and click on Add button to add the line 
*.pst       Include

5- Add directory C:\Windows\winsxs with Exclude option.
This directory is very big and could affect the performance.

Do the same for folder c:\windows\servicing as it could also be big on some servers.
6- If files to collect are non executable files (*.exe, *.dll), uncheck the option "Ignore non executable files"

7- Then assign this Collect Task to machines or group of machines
8- The File inventory of machines is small and contains only the specified files :