Define package ship JCL skeletons to spawned task (API)
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Define package ship JCL skeletons to spawned task (API)


Article ID: 10935


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


This documents the steps necessary to setup Endevor Webservices to process package ship requests. 


Endevor Webservices or Change Manager Enterprise Workbench require modifications to support package ship actions.


In order to make ship work under Web Services or CMEW, you need to setup/modify couple of members and the spawned task (WSEWSSTC). The JCL members are located in the CSIQJCL installation library.

It is suggested that you have package ship already working under Endevor ISPF.


1) Modify member WSEWSSTC (Endevor API STC) and add APIHJC DD pointing to the CSIQJCL installation library. Note there are two options:


a) If you omit member name on that DD statement, Endevor will use current user ID as the member name. (option 4a)


b) If you code member name on that DD statement, this hardcoded member name will be used. (option 4b)

2) Customize members SCMM@LIB and SCMM@SYM to meet site requirements (this has usually done for package ship under ISPF).

3) To make members SCMM@LIB and SCMM@SYM effective, you either have to copy them to JES PROCLIB or modify each JCL that uses them to include JCLLIB ORDER= statement to point to the library they reside in (i.e. CSIQJCL).

4) Define proper host job card member(s). Use member SHIPHJC as a skeleton and place them in the same library (CSIQJCL). There are two options:

a) Create one member for each user and name each member after the userid.

b) If one job card is valid for all users, you can create only one member with static name.

5) If you used option 4a, you do not need to modify anything because the default value &SHIPPER resolves to user ID.

If you used option 4b, depending on your transmission method, modify member SHIPxxxx (SHIPBDT1, SHIPBDT2, SHIPCONN, SHIPLOCL, SHIPNVFT or SHIPXCOM). Change the member name on C1BMXHJC DD statement to your static member name you chose in step 3b (e.g. $USERID).

6) By default, members SHIPxxxx (mentioned above) are searched in the JES PROCLIB defined on your system. If you do not want to place SHIPxxxx members into your JES PROCLIB, or want to override SHIPxxxx members located in JES PROCLIB, edit all host job card members (created in step 3) and add JCLLIB ORDER= statement pointing to the installation CSIQJCL library.

7) Inside member SHIPRCN, modify the remote job cards for the host machine. There are two occurrences as an in-stream in SYSUT1; one for each job step.