This document can be used as a guide on how to do the migration from an existing BSI installation to a new server, using the Best practices.
The object of this document is to change/move CA BSI from one server to another, but use all the same configuration and environment.
NOTE: you could change the Operating System version and the Oracle version on the new Server but you must keep in mind that they must be the same version or newer versions, they must be supported versions and in the number of Partitions and size they must be the same or larger. This also assumes the BSI version on both boxes is the same.
BSI 8.3.5
All Supported Windows OS and Oracle Databases
Document assumptions:
We first have to make sure that the new Server has all the Windows prerequisites as per the installation guide before installing BSI.
The new server must have the same Oracle version installed or newer.
The new server must then have configured and installed the same BSI version, applying all the fixes that server could have had applied in the past. This server must be working without any problem before migrating anything.
Things to check:
Before you start any migration it is highly recommended that the Server Source and Destination are backup in case anything goes wrong.
1. Backup Recommended
2. Make sure that the new target BSI installation is working. Make sure you can login.
3. Stop all of the adapters in your source BSI installation.
4. Stop all of the BSI services on both the source and target installations
5. If you are replicating the information in the database from the old installation to a new one, use a utility such as expdp/impdb to export the Oracle database from the old installation. You are better off having the DBA export the database with whatever they are most familiar with.
6. Import the DB information with whatever Oracle command you use to backup. This is much easier when the two environments use the same Oracle database logins.
7. If you are instead pointing the new APP and WEB to the old database and replacing the old APP/WEB, then instead you can edit the tnsnames.ora file and point your tnsnames entry to the old database.
8. Check the %OG_HOME%\setup\config_init.ini on the new WEB server and then run %OG_HOME%\setup\config_init.bat. This should change most of the values in the T_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATIONS table to the new server name.
9. Run: select * from t_system_configurations where upper(sys_config_value) like '%OLD_HOSTNAME%'; where OLD_HOSTNAME is your old WEB server name in uppercase. Then run the same command with the APP server name. These will return any entries which still need to be updated to the new server names. Run update commands to set them appropriately.
10. If you are replacing an APP server with multiple instances of PSLwriter, then make sure you have installed all the additional instances. Also make sure MSMQ is installed properly in domain mode as this is a common sticking point.
11. If you do not want to redeploy the adapters then copy over the %OG_HOME%\adapters folder from your old BSI installation. If you have any trouble with the adapters (due to security rights for example) then you can have them redeployed by deleting that adapters folder instead and letting BSI redeploy it from the config information in the database.
12. Restart the BSI services