logmon - a collection of helpful KB Articles and docs on how to use the logmon probe
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logmon - a collection of helpful KB Articles and docs on how to use the logmon probe


Article ID: 10909


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


The following list of Articles/references on the logmon probe contains extremely helpful information on how to configure and use logmon for log monitoring (includes Basic as well as Advanced).


  • Logmon v3.91 or higher


Overview of Nimsoft logmon (Guide and Examples)

How to configure logmon Watcher for a certain string

How to use variables in logmon

Use logmon to Collect QoS Data

logmon -How to monitor only first/last x lines

logmon probe - maximum length of a line

Clear alarm sent from logmon does not clear the previous alarm

Using Logmon to Capture Output of Netstat Command and Alarm if Port is Not Found

What is the largest logfile that can be monitored by the logmon probe?

How to create logmon Format Rules

How to create custom QOS for variables in logmon

Logmon Samples

Additional Information

Logmon documentation:

logmon Hints and Examples