How to upgrade Tomcat
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How to upgrade Tomcat


Article ID: 10904


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


How to keep your Tomcat Server up to date


Vantage 14.0Vantage 12.6


1.(recommended) With the Pax file of the new release, do the whole installation again, specifying to use the old database.  Delete the contents of the /vantagegmi/install and /vantagegmi/runtime directories. Not /vantagegmi/webclientdb. Load pax file into /vantagegmi/install, unpax and run perform installation

2. replace the WAR file in the webapps folder under the tomcat installation. Be sure to delete the VantageGMI folder, because this will be extracted again at start of the application. 

Do you need to delete the existing Vantage Web Client? 
You can specify the same location for tomcat and database. But it is recommended to delete those folders before installation.