Service Desk Manager STDLOGs rollover or are too small before reaching default size of 30 MB
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Service Desk Manager STDLOGs rollover or are too small before reaching default size of 30 MB


Article ID: 109015


Updated On: 12-11-2023


CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager CA Service Desk Manager


In an Advanced Availability configuration of SDM,  the Background (BG) server's STDLOG files get rolled over to new files before reaching their default file size limit of 30 MB.

The first line of each STDLOG has an entry like this before the rest of the file gets populated:

01/01 12:00:21.85 SDMSERVER1 rep_daemon       ==========> Was unable to write the last 1 messages. Last reason was: Permission denied (13)

01/01 12:00:21.85 SDMSERVER1 rep_daemon              6232 SIGNIFICANT  io_catcher.c           358 STDIO: LoggerNX: Unable to write following to logfile: 01/01 12:00:21.85 SDMSERVER1 rep_daemon 6232 ERROR FileMng.c 842 DeleteFile() - Unable to remove file D:/PROGRA~1/CA/SERVIC~1/temp/POP310526700591983607142.tmp (error code: 5)


Service Desk Manager in an Advanced Availability (AA) configuration
SDM Repositories were configured using UNC credentials
All Supported Operating Systems


1.  Ensure the UNC credential information provided on each SDM Repository is a valid account on the UNC server hosting the repository file share. This cannot be a local Windows user, but a Domain user.

2.  Explicitly add Full Security Permissions to the above user to the NX_ROOT/log and NX_ROOT/bopcfg/CATALINA_BASE/temp folders so that the user is able to add/delete/modify files in these two folders.

One should also examine the Windows Event Logs as well.  In at least one instance, the following message was detected with error codes 0xC0000064 or 0xC0000234

Along with consulting the local Windows admin and security team, these articles may be applicable in such cases:


Additional Information

In some situations, updating the "Users" role on the NX_ROOT\logs directory to have full access has addressed the issue.


Document link on how to Set Up the Attachments Library is available.