Why am I receiving an "Encapsulating page failed" error when running a report from SRM on CABI 4.1 SP3?
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Why am I receiving an "Encapsulating page failed" error when running a report from SRM on CABI 4.1 SP3?


Article ID: 108984


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Why am I receiving a "Encapsulating page failed" error when running a report that contains a lot of data from Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) using CABI 4.1 SP3?


Spectrum 10.1.x
Spectrum 10.2.x
CABI 4.1 SP3 (Windows)


The problem may be due to lack of memory or disk space issue. The following changes are recommended for CABI 4.1 SP3 (Windows) if you have this error.

Step 1:
1.    From windows explorer.
2.    Go to C drive (or wherever your Tomcat is installed) c:\Program Files\Tomcat\webapps\businessobjects\enterprise115\desktoplaunch\WEB-INF\classes\webi.properties
3.    open this file webi.properties with a notepad and add MAX_HEAP_SIZE=1024000000 as the bottom most line of the file.
4.    Save the file.
5.    Restart the tomcat server and webi as well.
Step 2:
1.    Click Start > Run. The Run dialog box appears.
2.    Type "regedit" in the Open text field. Click OK. The Registry Editor appears.
3.    Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/Session Manager.
4.    Click Subsystems > right-click Windows key > click Modify.
5.    Edit the SharedSection value from 1024,3072,512 to 1024,3072,1024.
6.    Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite11.5\default\WebIntelligence\Server\Admin\SwapTimeOut.
7.    Edit this value to 1500 seconds. Alternatively, set this to a value higher than the Web Intelligence Report Server connection time out value found in the Central Management Console. This value is written in minutes. The default value is 20.
8.    Close the Registry Editor.
9.    Restart the Web Intelligence Report Server for the changes to take effect.
Step 3:
1.    Log onto Central Management Console (CMC).
2.    Click on Servers.
3.    Click on Web_IntelligenceReportServer.
4.    Click on Properties tab.
5.    Reduce the "Cache Timeout (minutes)":to 20 minutes.
6.    Reduce the "Document Cache Cleanup Interval (minutes)":to 20 minutes.
7.    Click on Apply to Update.
8.    Restart the Business Objects Servers.