When a datasset on LNKLST is updated in PMO/XCF 4.4, is LLA REFRESH required ?
Release: ESBPMO99000-4.4-PMO-Extended Support-Basic for CA PMO RPO Component:
If LLA=NO is set, LLA REFRESH manually is required.
LLA Parameter Controls the CA PMO LLA interface for same-system and cross-system updates. Format The LLA parameter has the following syntax: LLA=interface option where interface option has one of following values:
WARN Turns on the interfaces. This parameter also tells CA PMO to notify the operator of any LNKLST updates, and to warn that an LLA refresh may be needed. For CA PMO, these warnings are messages PMO521 and PMO522; for PMO/XSYS, they are PMO751 and PMO752. If you specify LLA=WARN, you must initiate LLA refreshes manually. The PMO521I message only displays only once; it is not re-issued until an F LLA,REFRESH has been performed. This prevents the console from filling up with highlighted messages. Default: LLA=WARN AUTO Turns on the interfaces and causes CA PMO to respond in one of two ways to a LNKLST update, depending on what you specify on the OPERMSG parameter. Specify LLA=AUTO to allow CA PMO to selectively refresh LLA. NO Turns off the interfaces. If you put your CA PMO parameters in a different data set from your PMO/XSYS parameters and you are going to specify LLA=NO for PMO/XSYS, do not specify LLA=WARN or LLA=AUTO for CA PMO. If you provide different values for the LLA parameter, you risk having an out-of-date LLA. This is true because when one system updates the LNKLST of another system, the CA PMO LLA interface does not detect the need for an LLA refresh.
OPERMSG Parameter Determines whether CA PMO notifies the operator of updates before it refreshes the LLA. This parameter is valid only if you also specify the parameter LLA=AUTO. Format The OPERMSG parameter has the following syntax: OPERMSG=LLA refresh option where LLA refresh option has one of following values: NO CA PMO performs an LLA refresh without asking for operator permission. CA PMO waits to perform the refresh for the amount of time specified on the REFDELAY parameter. CA PMO displays messages PMO520 and PMO522 when this happens, and PMO/XSYS displays messages PMO750 and PMO752. Specify OPERMSG=NO if CA PMO is to selectively refresh LLA. CA PMO also displays message PMO518 and PMO/XSYS displays message PMO758 if you choose this option. YES CA PMO asks the operator whether it should perform an LLA refresh, and it performs the refresh only if the operator answers YES at the console. CA PMO displays messages PMO519 and PMO522 for the operator, and PMO/XSYS displays messages PMO759 and PMO752. Default: OPERMSG=NO
REFDELAY Parameter Specifies how long CA PMO waits between detecting a LNKLST update and refreshing LLA. Even if this parameter has a value of zero (0), a refresh will not occur instantly. CA PMO checks the need for a refresh only every ten seconds, and the LLA takes time to process the command and update its storage areas. You may want to specify REFDELAY=00:00:00 so that refreshes occur as soon as possible. A delay, however, may be desirable. For instance, if you update several libraries in a row, you may want to finish the updates before the refresh occurs (particularly if you update programs that call each other). Format The REFDELAY parameter has the following syntax: REFDELAY=LLA refresh delay The REFDELAY parameter requires the following value: LLA refresh delay Indicates the time in hours, minutes, and seconds that CA PMO or PMO/XSYS waits before refreshing the LLA. Specify a value between 00:00:00 and 24:00:00. This parameter is valid only when LLA=AUTO and OPERMSG=NO. Default: REFDELAY=00:05:00 Note: If a second LNKLST update occurs more than 15 seconds into the refresh delay period, CA PMO postpones the refresh and restarts the delay period.