Blank page or error 401/501 after logging in to Clarity when home page is corrupt
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Blank page or error 401/501 after logging in to Clarity when home page is corrupt


Article ID: 108963


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


You are having difficulty logging into the Clarity Application. You may see a blank page / white screen after login or see several different errors including the below.

  • Error 501 - Not Implemented. The server does not support the requested feature. Contact your system administrator.' Error while accessing the 'General' Page of Clarity.
  • [EN - ERROR][en - Unable to process request - Server or Network error] [en - Close] (This one may be noticed when using Single Sign On (SSO)
  • Error 401
  • The page loads indefinitely 
  • Blank Page after login

Screenshots below of a couple of errors you may see:

This may only impact one or some users, where most of your users are able to sign into Clarity and use the application. You may be able to see your normal landing page for a few seconds (typically the General page) but then the pop-up is shown with the above error message.


All Supported Releases

Classic UI

Clarity SaaS/GCP and On Premise


This can happen if your current homepage is no longer is valid or is corrupt


Reset the user's home page to the default (Recommended)

  1. As an Admin, go to Administration->Organization and Access->Resources
  2. Filter for the user with the issue
  3. Click on the link to the user to access the Properties tab
  4. Click the "Reset Home Page" Button
  5. Use the 'Save and Return' button to save the change

Restore Defaults

  1. Login to Clarity with another user who is able to log in
  2. You will be redirected to the General Home Page (Home > Personal > General)
  3. Click on Manage My tabs (spanner icon)
  4. Click on the General tab
  5. Copy the URL. It will look something similar to:


  6. Now using the URL, try to log in as the affected user
  7. If you are successful, you will be redirected to the General tab content
  8. Take note of the portlets present.
  9. Click on Restore Defaults. Your home page has now been restored.
  10. Log out and log in normally

Toggle Home page setting

  1. As an Admin user, log in to Clarity and navigate to Administration > Resources.
  2. Click on the problematic resource and change the "Home Page" of the user to the current timesheet from the user profile
  3. Click Save.
  4. Have the user log in to Clarity
  5. If everything is ok and the user does not get the popup error, change the setting back to the System Default and test again.

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