Unable to connect to mainframe repositories with Web Viewer
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Unable to connect to mainframe repositories with Web Viewer


Article ID: 108921


Updated On:


Output Management Document Viewer Output Management Web Viewer


Am able to logon to Web Viewer and get to the Advanced Search tab. When I select either CA View or Dispatch Repository on this one particular LPAR I get message: "Error: Existing credentials are not valid, please enter new credentials for the access." Also, a pop up box entitled Required Credentials but when I enter my mainframe ID and password I get the same message before. Later, Error: Invalid repository connection, and no activity in CA DRAS STC output. Web Viewer is for PC Linux.


Component: WBVLUW


Two problems, two resolutions: For the Dispatch Repository access issue, customer had to bring down all tasks and then run a batch job to make sure all tasks come up in the correct order. With Dispatch and OLV working correctly, Web Viewer was able to access again. For the one View repository access issue, the Web Viewer repository definition was somehow corrupted. Replacing that one repository definition resolved that issue.

Additional Information

Review the Ca Dras STC log for any other additional diagnostic or error messages that may have been generated at logon time.