How can a "PDT0215 or (DT884I) DETECTOR DATASTORE DATASET DOES NOT EXIST" message in Subsystem Analyzer be resolved?
Trying to access Detector Collection data from Subsystem Analyzer.
Release : R20
DB2 for z/os
To resolve the "PDT0215 DETECTOR DATASTOR DATASET DOES NOT EXIST DSN=data store name or (DT884I) DETECTOR DATASTORE = data_store_name HLVL = highlevel DOES NOT EXIST." message,
create a new Subsystem Analyzer datastore whose name is the same as your Detector Datastore.
Product integration between Detector and Subsystem Analyzer is available only when both use the same data store highlevel qualifier and data store name when collecting historical data.
See: Create a Data Store for Collected Data
See: Subsystem Analyzer for Db2 for z/OS Panel Integration
Note: If you externalize your Detector and Subsystem Analyzer data, we recommend giving both data stores the same name, with the same high-level qualifier. Synchronizing the names lets you take advantage of the panel integration and switch between the two products when viewing the data in the data stores.
See: Synchronize Subsystem Analyzer and Detector Data Collection