force_rootcause option not working for Incidents and Requests
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force_rootcause option not working for Incidents and Requests


Article ID: 108908


Updated On:


CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


1. From Options Manager install the option "force_rootcause" with value ALL and recycle services.

2. Expectation is that the root cause value of the parent is forced onto all children even if they already have a value for the root cause field. It overwrites the current value with the value of the parent.

3. But this does not happen for Incident and Request tickets.

Even after installing the option "force_rootcause" from options manager with value set to ALL it fails to populate root cause onto child tickets from parent ticket. 


Release:  All Releases
CA Service Desk Manager


The option "force_rootcause" will work only for tickets of type"Problem" and "Change Order". 

As part of ITIL "Root Cause" field is no longer available for Incidents or Requests and the option will not take affect.

Hence please add the below line manually in the NX.env file which will perform same activity for Requests and Incidents:


Also update the value in NX.env_nt.TPL file (located in the NX_ROOT\pdmconf directory) , which will ensure the changes will not be overwritten when running pdm_configure.

Save the file and recycle services.