- How to do a search to retrieve all attributes an Acid includes.
- How to retrieve all Acids having any attribute.
- ldapsearch -x -D cn=admin01 -w pwd01 -H ldap://yourhost:389 -s base -b "tssacid=myacid,tssadmingrp=acids,host=yourhost,o=ca,c=us"
This command will list what acid "myacid" has got, it's equivalent to TSS LIS(myacid).
- ldapsearch -D cn=admin01 -w pwd01 -h yourhost -p 389 -b "tssadmingrp=acids,host=yourhost,o=ca,c=us" -s sub "(&(Audit-Attr=Y)(Bypass-Dsn-Check=Y))"
This command will list all acid having attributes AUDIT and NODSNCHK