Modify Endpoint Accounts Error
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Modify Endpoint Accounts Error


Article ID: 108657


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


The Endpoint Account that comes back is for Active Directory. The team that uses this task uses it to move accounts between the AD OUs. 

error on the UI.
2018-05-16 12:11:44,721 ERROR [ims.ui.ConsolePageFilter] (default task-52) Unexpected exception: java.lang.NullPointerException 

Customer is going to 
Modify users endpoint accounts: 
Selects search * 

From the retuned account details 

attempt to select the Actions drop down under name and then a pop up error appears 

"unable to determine actions for this object"

Endpoint Type is Active Directory 
Endpoint is <EndpointName>


Identity Manager 14.1 CP3 


Customer had originally built a custom UI for their customer and during migration they brought the UI over.
The issue stems from not having access to the base path for UIs  customer had to place the UI in the imcss folder.

The relative pathing to access this UI is as follows: ".../identityEnv/imcss/####/" unlike the default "ui7" that sits in ".../identityEnv/ui7/"


We found that users browsers have cached data from the old Environment. This interfered with the pathing resulting in the failure described above. Users had to clear their history and restart browsers. This resolved the issue.