Cookie replay attack prevention in Siteminder
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Cookie replay attack prevention in Siteminder


Article ID: 108653


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CA Single Sign On Secure Proxy Server (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign On SOA Security Manager (SiteMinder) CA Single Sign-On CA Single Sign On Agents (SiteMinder) SITEMINDER CA Single Sign On Federation (SiteMinder)



How to prevent a cookie replay attack in Siteminder?



Applicable to all the supported components.

Component : Policy Server 12.8.x releases.




Any application that manages sessions via the cookie is subject to replay attacks. Siteminder has multiple embedded features that can help in preventing Cookie Replay.

  1. Implement a Session Store;
  2. Configure your Realms to use the Session Store by configuring the Realm to use Persistent Sessions and by configuring the validation period setting;
  3. Configure a Logoff URI. If set with Session Store. The Logoff URI will set the Cookie as LOGGEDEOFF in the session store and it can no longer be replayed;
  4. Implement IP Checking (Enable or disable IP checking with persistent and transient cookies):

    Compare IP Addresses to Prevent Security Breaches (1);

  5. Use the Session Store to Increase Security for Multi-Domain Single Sign-On (2)(3).

Additional Information



    Compare IP Addresses to Prevent Security Breaches


    Validate a Session Cookie Domain

    Session Cookie Management