VAN0517I message does not appear in syslog anymore in vantage release 14
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VAN0517I message does not appear in syslog anymore in vantage release 14


Article ID: 108242


Updated On:


Vantage Storage Resource Manager


Having upgraded to R14.0 we are no longer seeing VAN0517I messages (A data  set line action, capture, checkpoint or a logging of a data set was  performed) when logging or captures occur.
 Logging and capture data sets are  being created, but there is not a corresponding VAN0517I message.
 Is the  VAN0517I message issuance controlled via a VKGPARMS parameter?  Is the message no longer to be issued?  What happened to VAN0517I?


Component: VANT


In CCTUMSEN library member VAN0517 should looks as follows: 

<number type="I" routecode="00" descriptorcode="7"> 

To have the VAN0517I displayed on the console, you would need to update the VAN0517 member in the CCTUMSEN library 
changing the routecode for VAN0517I back to 11 
<number type="I" routecode="11" descriptorcode="7"> 

This modification in routing was introduced by r12.0 SP1 PTF QO95489.