"Connection Test Failed" in Governance when attempting to connect to Identity Manager
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"Connection Test Failed" in Governance when attempting to connect to Identity Manager


Article ID: 108157


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CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


When attempting to configure the connectivity between Identity Governance and Identity Portal an error message is received:
IG portal ui error:
IM server is not available at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080.

In Eurekify.log
"WebServiceHandler.getJSONObject: 3 attempts have failed to get object type configuration from IM. Return status is: Not Found
WebServiceHandler.getJSONObject:  Failed to get information from IM for managed object type configuration: Failed to get information from IM for managed object type configuration:"

The connectivity from IG to IM and back is configured in several locations and often one of the actions is missed. Here is a list of a few things to watch out for.


Identity Manager Suite 14.3, 14.4


The connectivity has a lot of 'moving parts' and need to be set in several places. If any part of these configurations is not done correctly the connectivity breaks.


1) Make sure IMRCM role has 'Create Web Services Configuration' in IM 

2) Make sure the user you are using to test the connection is added as Export Administrator in IM: 
IM user console->System->CA RCM Configuration-> Change Export Administrator 


3) If FIPS is in use, even if the connection between Governance and Identity Manager is over a non-ssl ports, add the additional connection property "FIPSKeyFile" and point to your FIPS.dat file to ensure the password is passed with the correct FIPS format into IM:

4) Delete the IMRCM Web Services -
System > Web service. Access IG and run test for the connector. The Web Service will be recreated.