Device reconciliation between NetOps Portal and Spectrum
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Device reconciliation between NetOps Portal and Spectrum


Article ID: 108086


Updated On:


DX NetOps


This KB article outlines the reconciliation of Spectrum devices that are manually discovered in NetOps Portal

As an example, a few devices have been added to NetOps Portal and they now need to be mapped to a custom group based on their Spectrum global collection membership.

For instance - ClientA_rtr1 was discovered manually into NetOps Portal. This router is also present in a Spectrum global collection called ClientA.

In NetOps Portal, under Groups > Inventory > Data Sources > Spectrum > All Global Collections, the "ClientA" global collection is shown but the manually discovered device ClientA_rtr1 does not show up there


NetOps Portal 3.5 and later


Here is in general, how the sync between NetOps Portal and Spectrum works:

  1. We sync an IP Domain to Spectrum

  2. Spectrum creates the IP Domain Global Collection (GC)

  3. Users put devices into the IP Domain GC in Spectrum and those devices get synced to NetOps Portal.

Any other GC in Spectrum that contains these devices that are also in the IP Domain GC, are also synced BUT only the devices/interfaces from the IP Domain GC, not ALL the members of the GC. 

Once you add devices to the "Default Domain" global collection in Spectrum, they appear in the NetOps Portal groups as well.