How do I get devices out of a RebootRefresh state when SNMP Polling is not working?
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How do I get devices out of a RebootRefresh state when SNMP Polling is not working?


Article ID: 108068


Updated On:


CA Network Flow Analysis (NetQos / NFA)


If your device is not able to be snmp polled by an NFA Harvester, it will go into a RebootRefresh state once NFA detects that the router has rebooted and drop all data until it can be successfully polled again.

How do I get devices out of a RebootRefresh state when SNMP Polling is not working?


NFA 9.3.3 and Earlier
NFA 9.3.8 and Later


In 9.3.6 and later you can run the following commands on the Harvesters to reset the state of the router to allow it to collect data again:

mysql -unetqos -pnetqos harvester
update routers set pollState='InitialPoll', stateretry=0, reboottime=0 where pollstate ='RebootRefresh'; 

In 9.3.3 and earlier, this setting is stored in the poller database, so you can run the commands below on the Harvester servers:

mysql poller
update routers set State='InitialPoll', stateretry=0, reboottime=0 where state ='RebootRefresh'; 

Additional Information

Note that the best solution to this is to fix whatever is blocking snmp polls from the harvesters from working, usually this is due to improper snmp community string in NFA or a device side Access Control List that is not allowing NFA to poll the OIDS we need to get interface names, speeds, and descriptions.  If snmp polling is not fixed, the device will likely go back into this state after a period of time.

See also Why are my routers in a RebootRefresh poll state and what does that mean? for more details.