Impact of Windows Updates or Silverlight install or uninstall on UIM Server
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Impact of Windows Updates or Silverlight install or uninstall on UIM Server


Article ID: 107972


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


Need to install Windows patches and uninstall Silverlight application on the UIM Server system.

Will Windows patching and application installs/uninstalls affect the UIM server?


UIM 8.51


Typically, windows updates and application installs/uninstalls should not affect UIM.

That being said, it is highly recommended that you stop the Nimsoft Robot Watcher service on the Windows system before installing Windows updates or installing/uninstalling applications (like Silverlight) on the UIM server (primary hub) or any other Windows system where you have a UM robot or hub installed.

Once the patching/install/unistall work is completed, then start the Nimsoft Robot Watcher service again.

The only issue you may run across with an application install will occur if the application uses any of the ports required by the installed UIM components.  Either the application or the UIM components will have to be configured to use different ports to prevent port conflicts.

Additional Information

See the following Wiki document of the UIM port firewall requirements which identifies the port requirements for all of the UIM components:

Firewall Port Reference