Issue Importing Mutual auth SSL Certificates in Java Connector Server
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Issue Importing Mutual auth SSL Certificates in Java Connector Server


Article ID: 107962


Updated On: 10-12-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


We would like to configure two way SSL communication from the JCS to the endpoint. How can this be configured?


Identity Manager 14.1
​Custom endpoint


In order to do this you need to grab the server certificate from the Identity Manager side. The best way to do this is connecting to your JCS UI and download the certificate from the browser. Once this is downloaded you need to import the certificate to the endpoint Keystore.

Next you need to import your endpoint server certificate into your JCS UI (or via keytool as sometimes you can receive import errors via UI).

If you are running into issues please try to import the root/intermediate as well for troubleshooting.