OOTB Data Sources CA PPM DWH Bean connection failed
Article ID: 107943
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Clarity PPM SaaS
Clarity PPM On Premise
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When trying to test the CA PPM DWH Bean, the connection is failing.
All supported versions of Clarity
The CA PPM DWH Bean uses DWH schema as datasource and if the connection check is failing there could be multiple reason like
DWH schema is not configured
DB Link is not working
Database parameters might have changed
User Jasperadmin profile attributes are corrupted
For the above mentioned cause, here are the resolutions for On Premise Customers' Only.
DWH schema is not configured - Administrator needs to check
DB Link is not working
Database parameters might have changed
If the database parameters are changed in CSA or properties.xml that needs to be synced with Jaspersoft and below command needs to be run from clarity bin directory
admin jaspersoft syncPPMContext -userName superuser -password superuser
User Jasperadmin profile attributes are corrupted
Due to various reason the user jaspeadmin's user profile attribute is corrupted then below steps needs to be performed
Log in to Jaspersoft as Superuser
Search for user jasperadmin under your organization you created for integrating with Clarity and edit the user
Look for tab Attributes on the right-hand panel
Delete all the attributes except domainWhitelist as that is read only
Now log in to Clarity application server
Navigate to CLARITY_HOME\bin and execute admin update jasperParameters
Note: Image of Jasperadmin user profile attribute
The user jasperadmin profile attribute can be deleted using REST API PUT method oo and below is an example
URL :- http://JasperURL/reportservice/rest_v2/organizations/ORGID/users/jasperadmin/attributes?&name=encryptionImplementationMode&name=dwhDBVendor_enc&name=dwhDBUser_enc&name=dwhDBPassword_enc&name=dwhDBServerURL_enc&name=dwhDBDriver_enc&name=dwhDBServer_enc&name=dwhDBName_enc&name=dwhDBSchema_enc&name=dwhDBLink_enc&name=dwhDSAttributesChangedTimestamp_enc&name=dwhDBProtocol_enc&name=ppmDBVendor_enc&name=ppmDBUser_enc&name=ppmDBPassword_enc&name=ppmDBServerURL_enc&name=ppmDBDriver_enc&name=ppmDBServer_enc&name=ppmDBName_enc&name=ppmDBSchema_enc&name=ppmDSAttributesChangedTimestamp_enc&name=ppmDBProtocol_enc&name=ppmAppServer_enc&name=webDeploymentURI_enc&name=ppmValidationQuery_enc&name=dwhValidationQuery_enc
Request Type :- PUT
{ "attribute" :[]}