You can use environment variables and/or global variables to add the date to Autosys job standard out and error filenames.
NOTE: For Windows, you cannot use environment variables explicitly in the filenames. You must use global variables to reference the date.
CA Workload Automation AE
View the date change it to the desired format
[root@host123 /]# date
Fri Dec 22 08:13:10 CST 2017
Determine the desired date format
[root@host123 /]# date +'%m/%d/%Y'
[root@host123 /]# date +'%Y/%m/%d' <-----------------(change format to YYYY/MM/DD)
[root@host123 /]# date +'%Y-%m-%d' <-----------------(change the delimiters)
NOTE: You CANNOT use a forward slash ‘/’ as a delimiter and you cannot escape the forward slash - the files will not get created.
A backslash ‘\’, a dash ‘-‘, an underscore ‘_’ and period ‘.’ have been tested as working delimiters.
Create a job that references the date in the std_out_file and std_err_file attributes:
/* ----------------- date_in_file ----------------- */
insert_job: date_in_file job_type: CMD
command: autoflags -a
machine: host123
owner: root@host123
date_conditions: 0
std_out_file: "/tmp/autologs/autoflags_log_$(date +'%m_%d_%Y').out"
std_err_file: "/tmp/autologs/autoflags_log_$(date +'%m_%d_%Y').err"
alarm_if_fail: 1
Start the job and verify the job ran to completion
[root@localhost bin]# sendevent -E STARTJOB -J date_in_file
[root@host123 bin]# autorep -J date_in_file -d
Job Name Last Start Last End ST/Ex Run/Ntry Pri/Xit
_____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____ ________ _______
date_in_file 12/22/2017 08:59:23 12/22/2017 08:59:23 SU 58570/1 0
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- --------------------- -- -- --------------------- ----------------------------------------
STARTING 12/22/2017 08:59:22 1 PD 12/22/2017 08:59:16 host123
RUNNING 12/22/2017 08:59:23 1 PD 12/22/2017 08:59:17 host123
<Executing at WA_AGENT>
SUCCESS 12/22/2017 08:59:23 1 PD 12/22/2017 08:59:17 host123
Check the directory where you specified your log files to be written to:
[root@host123 autologs]# pwd
[root@host123 autologs]# ls -ltr
total 4
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 0 Dec 22 08:10 autoflags_log_12_22_2017.err
-rw-r--r--. 1 root root 79 Dec 22 08:10 autoflags_log_12_22_2017.out
View the current date
C:\Users\Administrator>echo %DATE%
Fri 12/22/2017
Determine the desired date format
C:\Users\Administrator>echo %DATE:~4%
C:\Users\Administrator>echo %DATE:~-10,2%-%DATE:~-7,2%-%DATE:~4%
NOTE: You CANNOT use a forward slash ‘/’ or backslash ‘\’as a delimiter - the files will not get created.
A dash ‘-‘ and an underscore ‘_’ have been tested as working delimiters.
You can use Windows environment variables explicitly in the std_out_file and std_err_file attributes. You must use global variables to set the date and then reference the global variable in the job.
Create a job that references the date in a global variable (this particular job sets the date at the top of every hour):
/* ----------------- set_logdate ----------------- */
insert_job: set_logdate job_type: CMD
command: sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G logdate=“%DATE:~-10,2%_%DATE:~-7,2%_%DATE:~4%”
machine: test789
owner: Administrator@test789
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_mins: 00
alarm_if_fail: 1
Verify that the global variable ‘logdate’ has been set by running the following command:
C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Automation AE>autorep -G logdate
Global Name Value
logdate 2017_12_22
Create a job that references the ‘logdate’ global variable in the std_out_file and std_err_file attributes:
/* ----------------- date_in_file ----------------- */
insert_job: date_in_file job_type: CMD
command: autoflags -a
machine: test789
owner: Administrator@test789
date_conditions: 0
std_out_file: “C:\Temp\autoflags_log_$$(logdate).out”
std_err_file: “C:\Temp\autoflags_log_$$(logdate).err”
alarm_if_fail: 1
Start the ‘log’ job and verify the job ran to completion
C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Automation AE>sendevent -E STARTJOB -J date_in_file
C:\Program Files\CA\Workload Automation AE>autorep -J date_in_file -d
Job Name Last Start Last End ST/Ex Run/Ntry Pri/Xit
_____________________ ____________________ ____________________ _____ ________ _______
date_in_file 12/22/2017 09:33:59 12/22/2017 09:34:00 SU 3/1 0
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- --------------------- -- -- --------------------- ----------------------------------------
STARTING 12/22/2017 09:33:54 1 PD 12/22/2017 09:33:57 test789
RUNNING 12/22/2017 09:33:59 1 PD 12/22/2017 09:34:00 test789
<Executing at WA_AGENT>
SUCCESS 12/22/2017 09:34:00 1 PD 12/22/2017 09:34:01 test789
Check the directory where you specified your log files to be written to