Undo DASD cache expansion and reclaim volumes
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Undo DASD cache expansion and reclaim volumes


Article ID: 107887


Updated On:


Vtape Virtual Tape System


What is the process to undo a DASD Cache expansion and regain the volumes used?


Component: VTAPE


As for how hard it is to get cache back, it depends. Vtape has four types of 
data sets that could end up in the cache: 

1) Virtual Volume data sets -- prefix.VVE.Vvolser.MM.CACHE. 
2) Virtual Device work data sets -- prefix.VVE.Vdevnum.Ssystem. 
3) Data queue data set -- prefix.VVE.VDATAQ... 
4) If the Tasklib parameter is set to automatic, a special loadlib -- 

The Virtual Volume data sets can be moved with any standard data mover 
like ADRDSSU, FDR, CA Disk, etc. Vtape does not have any location specific 
information concerning these data sets in its control data sets. When one 
of these data sets is needed, Vtape requests its location from the catalog. 
The only time these data sets are enqueued is when there is a mount being 
serviced for the Virtual VOLSER whose data is in one of these data sets. 
If the only data sets on the cache DASD volumes you want to remove from 
cache are these data sets, you just update SMS to put the required volumes 
into DISNEW status and then run your data mover of choice to copy these 
data sets to other volumes. When the volumes are empty, remove them from 
the SMS storage group and repurpose them. 
The Virtual Device work data sets are enqueued while Vtape is active. 
The only way you can move these guys is with something like IBMS TDMF which 
will move them and then dynamically switch the volumes otherwise you have 
to stop Vtape. 
Once Vtape is stopped, you do not have to copy them. They are just work 
data sets with nothing permanent in them, so just delete them. When Vtape is 
restarted, it will check the catalog for them, find they do not exist and 
dynamically define a new one. If you update your ACS routines to send these 
guys to work packs or system packs, then you will not have to worry about 
moving them or deleting them and letting Vtape define them again. 
There is one of these for each Virtual Device so corralling them onto 
one DASD volumes is not a good idea. 
The VDATAQ data set is used to hold work in progress across stops and 
starts or IPLs. If the work is not completely, it will be restarted where 
it left off. This data set is also enqueue while Vtape is active and cannot 
be moved unless you use something like IBM's TDMF. 
Also, like the Virtual Device data sets, if you stop Vtape and delete 
the VDATAQ data sets, Vtape will just define a new one when restarted. 
If you add code to your ACS routines to send this guy to a work pack or 
a system pack, it might make your life easier when performing DASD evolutions 
in the future.