APIGW node Traces to CA APM
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APIGW node Traces to CA APM


Article ID: 107859


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CA API Gateway CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope)


Enabled the integration between CA API Gateway and CA APM using Precision agent.
Following the instructions on this guide to generate metrics and traces. Metrics are arriving fine in APM but traces don't.
REF : 


Any APM Agent release

Precision 3.2 API

Gateway 9.2 


Configure Gateway Traces to APM


1) EPACtrl-SSH.sh file (MIN and MAX heap values to 512), 

2) created a crontab entry to recycle the epagent to ensure it always has a pipe open to APM. 
epagent restart

3) enable the “Latency Metrics Assertion” for the services customer is using (Its recommended to use “Collect for every 15000 milliseconds” instead of “Collect for every 1 service calls”). 
under (Optional) Configure Latency Metrics Assertion


Check “Recommended global limits”, collecting traces for every service call should only be done in testing/dev environments. If a API is heavily used, collecting traces for every service call could crash the Gateway, and it certainly will impact the GW’s performance 

4) Updated Precision API Monitoring in Tasks -> Manage Solution Kits to 3.3

5) Extremely Important *** 
Tracing will only show or work on policies that are in success. 

If any policy fails with assertion falsified (or custom error) for example a route via http fails (as can be observed in policy Manager Audit logs then it will not show traces for the assertions. It will show a Failed (in APM) record count increase.. 

Only policy execution that ends in success will have Traces data.